A Time of Rededication
and Celebration
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the site of the 27th Church Anniversary of the
Promised Land Church of God in Christ. We are a multi-faceted church with a rich history of sound doctrinal teaching with signs and wonders following.
We will be a church with strong families and family heritages consisting of people of
professional skills who are engaged in the ministry making an increase of its ability to sustain
strong families and continuously expand the effective ministry. Therefore, our strong emphasis and weekly ministry to families, through marriage ministries, recovering biblical manhood and womanhood, youth and young adult ministry, college ministry, children’s church, and Christian Education through the Promised Land’s Legacy Christian School to name a few.
We are a Pro-Life church and believe every child is a gift from God.
Our extensive community outreach included prison ministry, an award-winning mentoring
program, tutoring, affordable housing development through our 46 home Trinity Gates
Subdivision, providing free home rehabilitation services, after-school care, and homework
assistance, job training, and transitional housing for recovering men.
It is with a grateful heart that we here at the Promised Land glorify the God of the bible and
commit the month of November to God through special times of dedication and celebration.
We invite you to join us as we give thanks by seeking the Lord, dedicating ourselves anew to
God and celebrating our victories.
Superintendent Tommy E. Quick
Founder/ Pastor of Promised Land COGIC
Chief of Staff, NC 3rd Jurisdiction COGIC
Superintendent of SC District