"And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
​Today, our women and girls are being degraded & devalued, our children are being miseducated and our boys and men are left unmentored and unprepared to embrace manhood. We understand these conditions put a strain on our families and leave them overwhelmed and under-supported.
That is why we are committed to providing a space for men, women, children, husbands and wives to receive instruction on how to live a GOD FIRST lifestyle so that they can be strengthened, encouraged and equipped to fight for their family against the attack of the Enemy.

199 Men & Their Families
To enable men to successfully confront and overcome the beliefs, conditioning and constraints that hold them in mediocrity so that they may achieve God’s perfect plan for their lives.
Sundays, 9AM
For more information about 199 Men, check out their website here.

One Flesh
To strengthen couples by exploring the intent of marriage from its Creator, God the Father, through the Word of God.
Friday & Saturday, 6PM (quarterly)

Righteousness In Our Time
o provide opportunities for fellowship, service, support & evangelism to youth & young adults in the church.
3rd Tuesdays, 7PM

Women Working the Word
To strengthen women to fulfill God's purpose for their lives through dealing with women's issues and promoting health & wellness.
1st Saturdays, 10AM-12PM